Monday, June 8, 2009

The Holy Gopher Pilgrimage: Day Two, PART ONE.

The Gopher got me up at 7am.


I was not a happy camper. I had spent quite a day out and about the day before under it's watchful, beady eye and had spent my evening expunging to you, my dear interwebs, His Word. Needless to say, I felt quite put out.


At least his hole-liness had been kind enough to pack my bags for me.


But why the rush? Why the urgen-THE LIGHTS FLICKER.


Someone knew we were here.


But who could it be? His Mighty Rodentia has many foes, which is why I am told he chose me to be his emissary. To be a true follower of The Gopher, you must be pure of heart, a being strong of faith in He Who Must Dig. Could this be the Seelie Sidhe, bringing down it's summer torrents upon us? Has Poseidon come upon St. Louis' shores to pursue us? Or could it be something more sinister?


I dropped to my knees in prayer, the cold spray of the storm upon my face. I had to gather my will, shield myself from the dark powers that might try to seperate me from my charge. But as I began my Gophergorian chant, something came at me from behind, a crack of lightning filling my vision...



THE DEMON HAD TAKEN HOLD OF ME! I screamed in agony, eyes blazing red as I fought the foul creature trying to possess my very soul. All that saved me was the tiny, blue lighter in my hand, the visage of my savior shining forth to banish its evil away from me and cleanse me with his perfect, blue fire.

To say I was shaken was sure, none would deny that. But The Gopher urged me to press on, to face this downpour, for I was not alone. I had Him beside me, his tiny pawprints in the sand next to me, carrying me when things would be at their roughest on this journey today.


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