Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sayonara in San Antonio!

So here we are!  The final week of Sister Act.  Man, it flew.  Literally.

San Antonio was very, very beautiful.  Unlike anywhere I've ever been.

It was a land of mystical fountains...and strange Itali-Mex Mosaics.

Curlicue Sculpture...

And majestic carousel ostriches.

And of course since it was one of the bloodiest battles in history, Loki simply insisted upon seeing The Alamo.

We both found it weird that somewhere made famous for its violence and sheer bravery and grit has been reduced to a tourist attraction where they sell Alamo-Shaped Animal Crackers, but I digress.

Oh, did I mention our hotel was haunted?  Again?  That makes for at least 3 on this trip.

I mean come on, it was complete with Overlook Hotel carpet.  Whoever thought that was smart clearly didn't see "The Shining," or thought it would be the most kickass prank known to man.

Personally, I am hoping for the latter.

"Come play with us..."

"Come play with us..."


All work and no play makes Loki a dull boy.

Unfortunately, all good tales must come to an end.  Our chapter on "Sister Act" had to come to a close.  So we celebrated properly, with a classy toast of champagne...

Yeah, straight out of the bottle.  What.

And as we toddled off in the morning, we said goodbye to the city with a Texas-sized heart.

(At least I figured out where he had wandered off to the night before.)


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