Saturday, September 13, 2014

High Tea With Lo-Ki

Loki doesn't understand the concept of sounding British.  I keep trying to explain he speaks with the accent, but he insists that he would never speak with such a low-class affectation.  Whatever.  He liked high tea enough.  I'll just keep my mouth shut.

Neither of us have ever been to a high tea before, and McKenna's Tea Cottage in Long Beach was gracious enough to have us stop by.  It was so peaceful, so lovely, And the hats...

Does anyone still wear a hat?



The three people out there that follow musical theatre just laughed their asses off.

Anyway, it was a say something hat day.  The two people who like "Too Wong Foo" just fell under the table.

Loki kept himself busy with all the books strewn about, And he was able to keep track of time thanks to the amazingly whimsical clock collection...

Look at the Dali clock, isn't that just the bee's knees?

I also got the oh-so-distinguished pleasure of discovering the way that his royal highness takes his tea.  Trust me, it was an honor.  Loki assured me of that.

I had to keep him in line a little, as the china was very delicate, and Loki does like to decimate many a structure that he comes across.  He got a little too close to his teapot for my liking, for example.

In the end, we were able to leave the lovely little tea cottage without total annihilation.  He seemed to enjoy everything, just as a proper British nobleman would, but I wouldn't tell him that.

Seriously.  Keep your mouth shut.  For all our sakes.

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