Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Let's Hug It Out

I just bought my plane ticket. I am officially going to LA in one week.

That's fast, isn't it?

I've been putting off buying the ticket, obviously - just cuz I'm getting nervous and scared. I'm not so great with change, the bigger the change, the harder it is to make myself jump. But everything has been falling into place, including the ticket I've been eyeing for a month never changing, so here I am with ticket in proverbial hand, about to head off on what could prove to be a pretty big adventure.

It's hard to think that I'll be leaving my bed again for a dorm bed and dorm living again. I miss it already, haha. I haven't even begun to pack, but I figure that I have Mon-Wed to get that done.

*is getting itchy*

The word on the street is that in my entire class, there are 6 people total. 6. I am in a room with two other girls, both who already have CA numbers, who may or may not be from Colombia and Puerto Rico respectively. Here is a video I found of the apartments I am staying in:

Please note that when I first went to AMDA, my room was the size of the closet you see there and that was considered SWANK at the time. As was my private shower stall and toilet and my working sink that was literally an ancient basin with a pipe going into the wall. From the looks of this place, I have exposed brick, awesome basin sink with BATHTUB, and not 'a kitchenette' as they told me on the phone, but a full blown kitchen. I'm told there is a fitness center on site, a flat screen in the lounge and there is carpeting. This place may very well be the sexiest place I've ever lived. *crosses her fingers that her roommates are cool*

Or that everyone is cool, for that matter. 6 people? Are you serious? What if there's a bad vibe? One bad vibe in a group that small makes it tough, man. Also, I'm going to probably be the oldest one in our group. From what I'm gathering, all the AMDA West people are relatively younger.

*tries not to hyperventilate*

I'm just freaking cuz it's getting close, y'all. Tomorrow is my going away party and a week from that I am going to be in Los Angeles where I will be staying for at least a year. Thousands of miles away from nearly everyone I know and love. I think it's finally starting to sink in.

But as terrified as I am right now, as tight as my chest still feels like it's right.

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